Heritage Essential Oils
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Warts are the result of a virus that has to be eradicated, so you need to go deeper than just removing the wart, and these oils are wonderful for going "deep." The beautiful thing about essential oils is that they are almost ALL anti-viral. There are numerous essential oils that people have had success with.

The more you read about warts and essential oils, the more options you'll find. That's because so many different oils have helped people. It can be overwhelming if you are new to using the oils, but instead of being overwhelmed, be encouraged that there are so many options ~ you can hardly go wrong, just be consistent in daily application!

These oils top the list of the strongest anti-viral oils:
Eucalyptus Globulus and Radiata
Tea Tree
Melissa (this is very expensive)

One reference book on essential oils recommends for warts:
Cinnamon Bark (a very "hot" oil that might irritate the skin if undiluted)
Oregano (a very "hot" oil that might irritate the skin if undiluted)

1. A 7-year-old nephew has had a terrible time with warts since he was very young. The doctors did all they knew to do, but the warts kept coming back. It was one of the worst cases I'd ever seen. Since my sister-in-law didn't have Oregano oil, I suggested she work with the PLAGUE DEFENSE she had. Long story cut short, she and her son smelled PLAGUE DEFENSE right out of the bottle a few times every day. After about 3 months, all of the warts are gone! The bonus is that my sister-in-law had 3 warts on her leg and they are gone, too! These oils are wonderful!

2. My daughter, age 7, had two huge warts on her pinky finger for a few months. I used OREGANO oil (1 drop) diluted 50/50 twice daily and the wart would start to shrink but it kept coming back. I am a nurse and frequently watch our doctors treat warts with acid and realized they often scrape/shave wart down before applying anything to it so they can get closer to the underlying virus. I used a razor blade to gently shave the surface (dead skin- no feeling) of the warts off 3 or 4 times over approx. one-week period. I used the above oregano 50/50 twice daily during this time period, and the warts literally vanished before my eyes! That was about 6 months ago. They have not returned. She now has beautiful, healthy skin. No evidence of the prior warts.

3. My 14-year-old daughter had cluster warts on her toes for years. We tried many things over the counter. Nothing worked. She started using OREGANO at night before bed. She then would put a sock on her foot. Her warts (10-15) turned white and fell off within a week. We repeated it on her finger and had the same result (without the sock).

4. My daughter called from college just before Thanksgiving. She had a couple of warts on her foot that had started hurting. I told her to use FRANKINCENSE oil and see if that would help. She came home at Christmas time reporting that one wart was completely gone and the other was nearly all gone. It disappeared shortly after Christmas.

5. I have had plantar warts for years. I've had them burned off, cut out and still they return. After reading frankincense results on this website I gave it a try. Within one week of rubbing FRANKINCENSE on the bottom of my feet you can't even tell where the warts were. Now once a week I rub the oil on my feet just to keep them wart free.

6. In my chiropractic practice, I have used FRANKINCENSE for warts and skin keratoses. A ten-year-old girl showed me a wart on the heel of her hand that was raised and approximately a quarter of an inch in diameter. We applied one drop of Frankincense. When she came in the office a week later, the wart had turned black. We applied another drop of Frankincense and when she returned the next week, the wart was gone. Another little boy showed me a small plantar wart on the ball of his left foot. We applied a drop of Frankincense and when he came in several weeks later, the wart had disappeared. Many essential oils have antimicrobial properties and warts are thought to be caused by a virus. I had a small, rough patch on my chest that looked like a keratosis and possibly a precancerous lesion. After several applications of Frankincense, it disappeared and has not returned. Research has demonstrated the skin healing properties of Frankincense. Reportedly, it has the ability to heal damaged DNA.

7. My daughter had a wart on her leg and the dermatologist froze it off. It came back within a couple of months. We then tried compound W. It didn't go away. I finally remembered to check my essential oil book and found FRANKINCENSE to remove warts. She started applying it 2 times per day and within 2 weeks it was gone. It has been gone for over a year now and not come back. I have also had 2 other friends that have used it on their kids and it has removed their warts. Great stuff!

8. Our first big experience with the essential oils was when our 3-year-old son developed little bumps on the left side of his torso that looked like small Chicken Pox, but we knew they weren’t. We soon came to realize that what he had was Planters Warts, which is a nasty little virus that itches and can spread quite rapidly if left unattended.

We were advised to treat him with OREGANO oil. We placed 3 drops in a small glass of rice milk (would have done capsules but he could not swallow them) to help with the heat that comes from oregano. After which we would give him a larger glass of rice milk, again to cut the heat. We did this 3 times a day and within two days started seeing a difference. Praise God!! Even after the planters warts were all dried up we continued this for one more month just to make sure the entire virus was gone. We followed this protocol for a total of 3 months.

9. My 4-year-old got a wart on his hand. We tried for several months with the over the counter stinky stuff. I then went to the expensive Dr. who put more stuff on it that didn't work. Then I tried LEMON oil. I put one drop on the wart two times and within a day it fell off. Why didn't I think of it a lot sooner?

10. I applied ANCIENT DEFENSE topically and used WARRIOR on the bottoms of my feet. When I stopped using the WARRIOR, the warts got worse, so I concluded that the WARRIOR was more important than the Ancient Defense blend. I went back to using WARRIOR on the bottoms of my feet and wiped out the warts. My guess is that the Warrior fought the virus more powerfully than the Ancient Defense was fighting right on location. It's very interesting how our bodies work!

11. I had plantar’s warts on the bottoms of my heel that was relentless. No matter what I tried, it didn’t work: banana peel, duct tape, freezing them and so on. Finally I started filling 00 capsules with ENDURANCE, and within two weeks they were gone and never returned. Later I learned that warts are viral, so it all makes sense!

12. My son had warts all over his body. His knees were covered, and when he’d fall while playing, they’d bleed. He was too young to swallow a capsule, so I put two drops of ANCIENT DEFENSE on a dab of ice cream on a spoon, and he’d swallow it right down. We also used colloidal silver in water. His warts began to diminish, but were finally wiped out when he got the stomach flu and we used DIGESTION SUPPORT. [ANCIENT DEFENSE has: Myrrh, Cassia, Calamus, Cinnamon Bark, Hyssop, Frankincense, Spikenard, Galbanum in an Olive oil base.]

13. I loved the Frankincense. We got it for wart removal, and it worked!!!! No surgery needed for about a dozen planters warts on my 15-year-old's foot. Praise God.

The choice of the process used in application of Heritage Essential Oils’ products is the sole responsibility of the user.

Information and statements regarding Heritage Essential Oils’ products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health condition or disease.

We do not make any therapeutic claims for any Dietary Supplements in accordance with the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act and FDA regulations.

Heritage Essential Oils and any of its directors, employees, representatives or those involved in blending and bottling the oils will not be liable for damages arising out of or in connection with the use of their products. This is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to all damages of any kind, including (without limitation) compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages, income or profit and claims of third parties.

We disclaim any liability if the user uses or prescribes any remedy or essential oil, natural or otherwise, for him/herself or another. Please consult a licensed healthcare professional should a need be indicated.