Heritage Essential Oils
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Nerve Issues
Nerve Issues

1. A blend of VETIVER, SILVER FIR and PEPPERMINT helped me greatly in reducing pain and regenerating nerve impulses. The Vetiver really doesn’t smell great, but this mixture did work well for me.

2. Both my father and I have used Heritage’s NEUROPATHY with success for our neuropathy. We are so happy to have found something that really works.

3. I heard that to renew a nerve, the nerve needed to be a cooler temperature than the other tissue, so I used PEPPERMINT. I had my husband rub it on my spine and bottoms of my feet twice daily. I especially massaged my big toes because the reflex for the pituitary gland is in the center of the big toe. The pituitary gland is responsible for making the chemical that keeps the muscles stretching and contracting. When it does not make enough of it, the muscles are unable to stretch out and contract normally.

4. I had a pain in my heel that I ignored until it was clear up the Achilles tendon and walking was very painful. I found a recipe for carpal tunnel (nerve damage) and made up a batch to apply: VALERIAN, SILVER FIR, PEPPERMINT, JUNIPER, CYPRESS and BASIL. This definitely eased the pain and I was good as new in a little over a month. I applied this blend very consistently morning and night, and at first, I applied it more than that.

5. We all know that chemicals and heavy metals can have a negative affect on our bodies; they actually can damage nerve cells. Chemicals can incubate along the spinal cord and gradually reach nerve endings that relate to our organs. They create a “microfilm” at the end of those nerves, preventing signals from passing through. The electric signal that is stopped by the “microfilm” can back fire and damage the myelin sheath of those nerves. The beautiful thing about essential oils is that they can actually dissolve those chemical microfilms. Given all that, I feel like that is why the Raindrop technique is so effective for those with Multiple Sclerosis issues. OREGANO and THYME are especially beneficial for clearing up the receptor sites along the spine. Other oils that prove effective, perhaps because of their ability to repair DNA are: FRANKINCENSE, PEPPERMINT and SILVER FIR. I’ve also heard that the body needs Pregnenolone to regenerate nerves.

My niece shared some of your PAIN-X with me on our recent vacation and was astounded at the relief it gave me for nerve damage and fibromyalgia. I hardly had to take any pain medication. It even helped with TMJ pain. Great stuff!!!!!  - R. T.

The choice of the process used in application of Heritage Essential Oils’ products is the sole responsibility of the user.

Information and statements regarding Heritage Essential Oils’ products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health condition or disease.

We do not make any therapeutic claims for any Dietary Supplements in accordance with the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act and FDA regulations.

Heritage Essential Oils and any of its directors, employees, representatives or those involved in blending and bottling the oils will not be liable for damages arising out of or in connection with the use of their products. This is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to all damages of any kind, including (without limitation) compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages, income or profit and claims of third parties.

We disclaim any liability if the user uses or prescribes any remedy or essential oil, natural or otherwise, for him/herself or another. Please consult a licensed healthcare professional should a need be indicated.