
Showing: 6-10 of 18
Linda J. Premeau said:   December 8, 2009 10:19 am PST
NEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Am excited about this.

Rob Palulis said:   November 7, 2009 7:02 pm PST
I am so glad I found your website! We have been using your oils for a couple of years now, and are very well pleased. Thank you for all that your do! God Bless You! Rob from Saratoga NY.

Tasha Marsh said:   October 11, 2009 12:17 pm PST
The Lord is gracious to us in providing us with healing natural alternatives vs. today's pharm drugs. The oils that you supply to us are affordable, and we can not thank you enough for your kindness in offering them and making them available. It is a joy to refer people to you and share with them the blessing of Heritage Essential Oils!!! Please keep up the wonderful work you are doing. Much love, Tasha

Kim M. said:   October 4, 2009 1:47 pm PST
I ordered the oils one day and received them the NEXT! Couldn't believe how fast you got them out. I really like your informative website and great prices. I also like the Pain-X and Muscle Relax blends. And I appreciate your sending the advice on sciatica from your files. You are a WEALTH of good information! Thank you!

Brett & Dana Adams said:   August 30, 2009 10:03 am PST
We are so blessed to have discovered your store. Thank you for your contribution to our health and wellbeing and providing your much needed services! God bless!

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