Heritage Essential Oils
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Eczema is sometimes referred to as the “itch” that “rashes,” and it is basically inflammation of the skin. There are some who feel that eczema is all about a toxic liver and/or allergies, and others who feel that it reflects fungal issues. Our skin is the largest organ in our body, and when something is amiss internally, whether because of a toxic liver or fungal issues, it should come as no surprise that our body might use the skin as a means to detox. If you have an idea that you may have fungal issues (perhaps you have occasional or chronic vaginal yeast infections, toenail fungus or other “yeast” symptoms), then you may want to consider the testimonies that address fungal issues. If you have been exposed to chemicals and think your issue may be rooted in a toxic liver, then consider the testimonies that lean that direction. Once your symptoms disappear, keep up the protocol you decide on for quite some time ~ after all, it’s doing something good in you. Yeast issues tend to return if the protocol is stopped too soon.

No matter what the root cause, consider:
- Drink ½ your body weight in ounces of water daily and add a few drops of LEMON essential oil or LYMPHATIC CLEANSE. These oils will alkalize the body. An acidic body is a sick body.
- Supplementation of Omega 3 fats (high quality, animal-based krill is recommended by Dr. Mercola).
- Using raw goat’s milk soap (can be purchased at Heritage Essential Oils)
- Pro-biotics
- Sunshine exposure daily (don’t use sunscreen and don’t stay out so long that your skin burns)
- Eat fermented foods (see Nourishing Traditions cookbook or Weston Price recipes online)

1. My daughter suddenly got eczema on both sides of her elbows and the back of her legs. I mixed a few drops of LAVENDER with JOJOBA oil and applied it morning and night to the itchy rash. In less than two weeks the rash has disappeared with minimal discoloration. The skin is smooth and not itchy.

2. I had a terrible case of itchy eczema since I was a teenager. This recipe worked for me:
2 drops LAVENDER
I added this to Heritage’s EMU oil (1 oz. bottle) and applied it to my rash twice daily and more if needed for the itch. It took a while to completely disappear, but gave good relief from the itching.

3. My skeptical husband got rid of his troublesome rash by using CLEANSING and LAVENDER, one in the morning and the other at night for a couple of months. None of the creams the doctor prescribed ever worked so well.

4. I suspected that my eczema occurred because of my occupational exposure to chemicals for many years, so I used LIVER/GALLBLADDER over my liver both morning and night. I took CLEANSING internally in a capsule (about 5 drops) and applied TENDER SKIN MOISTURIZING SPRAY directly on my rash. The Tender Skin really helped alleviate the itch, and in less than 6 weeks, the rash was almost totally gone. I kept up the protocol for another 6 weeks and have been eczema free now for 2 years. I still use the Liver/Gallbladder over my liver since I know I’ve got a real problem with toxins.

5. My little grand daughter was diagnosed with eczema, but fortunately her parents asked me for some oils before filling her prescription. They used a combination of LAVENDER and CLEANSING and it disappeared fairly quickly.

6. My friend used CEDARWOOD on her eczema rash, and it was greatly improved just overnight.

7. I had eczema for years until I found these wonderful oils. LAVENDER neat (undiluted) cleared up the rash. My skin was very sensitive because of all the synthetic creams and lotions I’ve used for so many years. I now only use personal care products (including perfumes) that are chemical free. I think that is very important. Lavender has also worked for several of my friends who had eczema.

8. I didn’t know what to do when my son’s rash started cracking and bleeding, so I put a few drops of HELICHRYSM BLEND with a little EMU oils on topically and it helped a lot. My son settled down and slept peacefully though the night. The next day his skin was much better and hardly look inflamed. I kept this up for a couple of weeks and you can hardly tell he ever had a problem!

9. I took Elocom and hydrocortisone for 20 years for a bad case of eczema. Drugs are bad, people, really bad. My adrenals were shot and I had a plethora of other health issues: terrible allergies, brain fog, extreme fatigue, depression, digestion (or lack of it) and so on. My body was very acidic. I decided to quit the drugs cold turkey and start of a good colon cleanse. For the first 6 weeks, everything was worse, but I felt encouraged because for the first time in 20 years my immune system could finally do what it needed to do. The corticosteroids are immune-suppressants and won’t allow you body to do what it was designed to do. The eczema is just a symptom of something gone wrong internally. Here’s what I did:
- Colon cleanse and then Liver cleanse with Milk Thistle
- Support adrenal glands (Heritage blend: CHRONIC FATIGUE works great!)
- Supplement with Essential Fatty Acids
- Drink ½ body weight in ounce of water daily and add LEMON or LYMPAHTIC CLEANSE   blend to help flush toxins and alkalize your body
- Avoid fried foods, dairy and meat until much better
- Topically apply CLOVE or PEPPERMINT neat (undiluted) for controlling the itch.

10. My mother had large, weeping sores on the bottoms of her feet that cleared up with LAVENDER, CLEANSING and HELICHRYSUM BLEND applied twice daily. In seven days the sores were scabbed over. They loosened and fell off with no more signs of eruptions. PEPPERMINT helped her not to scratch.

11. I had eczema on my face and quite by accident I discovered that TENDER SKIN clears it right up. I got sunburned and used the Tender Skin for that, and that’s when I realized that my eczema disappeared too. Tender Skin smells so wonderful and makes my skin feel great! I used the straight oil for my sunburn, but now I get the moisturizing spray and love it!

12. I was desperate for a solution to my worsening case of eczema when a friend of mine introduced EUCALYPTUS and ROSE oils to me. Now, most of my eczema's cleared up and my skin, although still not perfect, isn't dry and itchy like it has been for so many years!

Eczema sufferers out there need to know that there indeed is a better cure to eczema than corticosteroids, which merely suppress the condition.  This suppression often causes a recurrent breakout to be far worse than the previous. Furthermore, excessive use of such creams thins the skin and increases the risk of infection.

13. My eczema was definitely diet related. I eliminated yeast products like wheat, pasta, dairy and sugar which encourages yeast growth. I encourage the right kind of bacteria by taking pro-biotics and eating fermented food daily. I pay attention that I’m eating plenty of alkaline foods to keep my body in balance. I used GERANIUM, PEPPERMINT and ROSEWOOD to ease the inflammation and itching. It took me 4 months to clear up, but it was totally worth all the effort!

14. I had eczema all over my hands and LAVENDER ESSENTIAL WATER in a spray bottle worked for me. I used it all day long whenever I noticed the slightest itch.

15. My daughter was diagnosed with eczema, and I accepted the prescription but didn’t fill it. I used LAVENDER and TEA TREE oil, and within 24 hours there was marked improvement.

16. My son had eczema on his elbow and TENDER SKIN topically just a couple of times stopped his scratching and the rash disappeared.

17. For all itchy rashes we use CLEANSING, and I can attest that it works far better than any cortisone cream the doctors prescribe.

18. I am very happy with TENDER SKIN MOISTURIZING SPRAY for itchy rashes. Eczema that had been around for years disappeared and my skin feels wonderful now.

The choice of the process used in application of Heritage Essential Oils’ products is the sole responsibility of the user.

Information and statements regarding Heritage Essential Oils’ products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health condition or disease.

We do not make any therapeutic claims for any Dietary Supplements in accordance with the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act and FDA regulations.

Heritage Essential Oils and any of its directors, employees, representatives or those involved in blending and bottling the oils will not be liable for damages arising out of or in connection with the use of their products. This is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to all damages of any kind, including (without limitation) compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages, income or profit and claims of third parties.

We disclaim any liability if the user uses or prescribes any remedy or essential oil, natural or otherwise, for him/herself or another. Please consult a licensed healthcare professional should a need be indicated.