Heritage Essential Oils
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Blood Sugar
Blood Sugar

If you have hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) it is recommended by aromatherapists to avoid Geranium essential oil.

1. After being on insulin for several years, I normalized my blood sugar by taking PLAGUE DEFENSE 6-10 drops daily internally. I did this for about six months, and then cut back. I also took EUCALYPTUS RADIATA, which my body really likes. The numbness in my feet disappeared and I have no blood sugar issues at all now. I know without a doubt that the oils corrected and healed my body, but I also stay faithful to eating a good diet.

2. I used to have numbers like 170-180, but after taking a few drops of CINNAMON BARK essential oil daily my numbers are typically 120-130. I’ve made no other dietary changes.

3. I believe blood sugar issues are dietary related. Using the oils will help the body deal with the blood sugar “emergency” but ultimately you need to address digestion. Eat a great diet, support digestion (DIGESTION SUPPORT), exercise to aid metabolism and assimilation and your blood sugar issues should disappear.

4. I was Type 2 diabetic when I started using PLAGUE DEFENSE and EUCALYPTUS RADIATA. DILL helps, but it is too strong to take all the time. All my blood sugar issues are gone.

5. I listened to a tape of an interview with Ann Blake Tracy. She explained that hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) is what ultimately leads to depression. She explained that when your blood sugar gets too low during the night, your body wakes you up to keep you from going into a coma. Being awake stimulates your body into making enough glucose to keep you alive. Once you get your blood sugar leveled out and get good quality sleep, the depression goes away. Unfortunately, people run to their MD’s and get on antidepressants, which wreak havoc with sleep patterns and the person turns into a zombie not knowing the difference between being asleep or awake. In some severe cases, the person acts out his/her worst nightmare and sleepwalks through the killing of their family, friends, classmates and/or suicide. Anyway, this is what helped me:
- Before retiring for the night, I’d drink a protein shake. This is a good slow-release source of glucose that kept my glucose above the “coma” level. This alone helped me have a good nights’ sleep.
- If I woke during the night, I’d get up and give myself a good shot of glucose (apple or orange) and go back to bed.
- I take a daily dose of essential fatty acids, which have been linked to improved glucose and insulin control. Also, worthy of noting: the brain is 80% cholesterol and the body manufactures hormones from cholesterol, good fats are good for the heart and joints and help the liver deal with bad fats. I recommend only Udo's Oil Blend, which can be found in most health food stores. Udo Erasmus wrote the book "Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill" which set the standard that all others follow. I add a half-bottle of ENDURANCE essential oil to every bottle. Researchers have shown that the essential oils of clove and thyme dramatically slow fatty acid breakdown and oxidation.
- I eat several small meals daily instead feasting. Several hours after eating the glucose level gets low, so long spans between meals produces a sort of roller coaster effect. Small meals also helps with metabolism for easier weight control.
- Dense proteins are long-lasting sources of glucose, and some people have had good success with proper food combining. I find the easiest way to get the dense proteins is to add organic eggs, organic chicken and wild salmon to my diet preferably eaten before 3 p.m. when the digestive system shuts down, in which the meat will likely putrefy and further add toxins to the liver.
- Do a colon cleanse and then a liver cleanse at least once a year to keep things running efficiently. A toxic liver may the source of the imbalance.

6. I test my blood every evening, and when I test high, I put 1 drop of DILL and 1 drop of CORIANDER under my tongue. This always brings the sugar level down.

7. I’ve been taking 8 drops of PLAGUE DEFENSE in a 00 capsule daily, and my blood sugar is now totally regulated.

8. I could hardly wait to tell you about this. As an experiment the other day, I had my brother check his level blood sugar level. It was 360, and he seemed nonchalant about it. I questioned his lack of concern. He told me that no matter what he does, regardless of diet, exercise, meds, etc., it seems to stay near that number constantly. So I put a drop of FENNEL on his finger and told him to put it on his tongue. In ten minutes he took another reading, and it had dropped by 16 points. Then in another 10 minutes he checked it again, and it dropped a total of 20 points. Then we waited for another 20-25 minutes and checked again. In a matter of 40 minutes total, it had dropped by over 100 points!

9. My mother was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes over three years ago. I read up on the essential oils to try and started with Dill, but it just didn’t work for her. Next we tried Fennel, but it didn’t work either. CORIANDER is amazing. All she does is put a drop on the inside of her ankle at bedtime, and her blood sugars are always in the normal range. She’s not at all consistent with her diet either!

10. Four years ago I was told by doctors I had Type 2 Diabetes. That scared me since I watched my father suffer from it before he died. I changed my diet, and between my sugar meter, my diet and the oils I started liking the readings I was getting and the way I was feeling. I went back to the doctor and was told I did not need medications yet.
My oil routine is:
4 drops of PLAGUE DEFENSE on bottoms of feet each morning
2-4 drops of CORIANDER on my chest
4 drops of diluted CINNAMON BARK & CYPRESS on my stomach

The choice of the process used in application of Heritage Essential Oils’ products is the sole responsibility of the user.

Information and statements regarding Heritage Essential Oils’ products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health condition or disease.

We do not make any therapeutic claims for any Dietary Supplements in accordance with the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act and FDA regulations.

Heritage Essential Oils and any of its directors, employees, representatives or those involved in blending and bottling the oils will not be liable for damages arising out of or in connection with the use of their products. This is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to all damages of any kind, including (without limitation) compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages, income or profit and claims of third parties.

We disclaim any liability if the user uses or prescribes any remedy or essential oil, natural or otherwise, for him/herself or another. Please consult a licensed healthcare professional should a need be indicated.