Heritage Essential Oils
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Back Injury
Back Injury

1. I fell on ice one winter and suffered a soft tissue injury in my lower back and hip. Nothing I did helped with the pain until I tried PAIN-X. It worked immediately, and after just a couple of applications, I was out of pain completely and hardly ever have to use it.

2. The pain in my neck is what initially introduced me to using essential oils. I had sought chiropractic and osteopathic help for over 20 years to try to get relief. After the birth of our last child I went to a new chiropractor who insisted on getting an x-ray of my neck. He said he'd never seen a neck in such bad condition on someone my age (I was 47 at the time). He said I had the neck of an 90-year-old woman. The muscles were so "angry" that he could hardly get any movement, and therefore no relief. A good friend of mine had started using essential oils and suggested a few for me to try. PEPPERMINT was my favorite, and I carried it around in my pocket and used it liberally all throughout the day. I figured I'd have to live with the "damaged" neck for the rest of my life, but at least the Peppermint oil brought more relief and was far less expensive than the 3x/week chiropractor visits. After using the Peppermint oil like this for about a month, I realized that I didn't even think to use it anymore. I have full range of movement in my neck, and the "angry" muscles are "happy" again. The bulge that I had is gone. I feel like at least some of my problem may have been a toxic build up that the Peppermint "pulled" out of my system. In any case, I became "sold" on Peppermint oil.

3. I had seven discs that were pressing on my spinal cord due to an auto accident, and my neurosurgeon thought I’d need surgery in the future. This spurred me to do everything I could to improve my condition and try to allow my body to heal. I used a variety of oils for different reasons:
CYPRESS for inflammation
MUSCLE RELAX for muscle spasms
PAIN-X for pain
REGENERATION to help heal

4. I have read that degenerative disks can be caused by two things, inadequate water intake (body will rob the synovial fluid cushioning sac from the disks) and stretched out ligaments (they no longer hold the disks in place properly, resulting in the muscles tightening up on the nerves which may cause numbness/burning pain). Generally, the ligaments lose elasticity because of antibiotics usage, cortisone, and/or pain relievers such as ibuprofen or other so called non-steroidal anti-inflammatories. Poor nutrition/hydration is damaging to the ligaments as well. Accidents/injuries are also related to ligament loss of elasticity. LEMONGRASS is the oil to use for ligaments. Walking backwards twenty minutes daily supports the body in healing any herniated discs. It oxygenated the spine and rotates the pelvis in the opposite direction, and many say it really works! I have found this to be true and recommend it for my patients. Other essential oils to consider are: PAIN-X, HELICHRYSUM BLEND, DOUGLAS FIR and ARCTIC ICE.

5. I fractured my 4th lower lumbar in a car accident, had nerve damage in my neck and three bulging discs in the cervical and thoracic area of my back. I was in a lot of pain most of the time. I developed frequent migraines and struggled with fibromyalgia and numbness in my arms and hands due to the neck injury. My neurosurgeon suggested surgery when the nerve block injections in my back didn’t work, so I practically ran to my friend who had tried several times to get me to try her essential oils. She initially gave me PEPPERMINT and BIRCH to try, and within a month, my pain was drastically reduced and migraines were gone. After six months, I had no pain at all. I now exercise daily and make sure I drink plenty of water to keep my joints hydrated and working like they should.

6. My husband had a cracked vertebrae in his spine from too much cortisone, which he took for almost 20 years to help him breathe (asthma). Cortisone depletes the body of calcium, therefore, he suffered the cracked vertebrae. He used BONES & JOINTS, LEMONGRASS, BIRCH and CYPRESS to help with pain and in hopes of rebuilding the spine. We also did a lot of juicing. I learned that juicing zucchini will help mend bone faster than any calcium, so he drank a lot of zucchini juice mixed with V-8 juice to help make it more palatable. After 2 months, his doctor was very amazed when he looked at the X-ray which showed no crack.

7. Oh Bless the Lord!!! Let me tell you our testimony. My husband came home early because of the pain in his back. I have had to dress and undress him for two days. I bent down to take his shoe off and he screamed in pain at the way I lifted his leg. About ten minutes later I applied the FIRE POWER. I asked him if it burned and he said, "No." I went about doing my things and left him to rest. He came briskly walking in the room just a little over an hour later with a smile on his face and said, "It worked!!" We are both thankful and impressed. He still has some pain, but now he can get up and move around.

The choice of the process used in application of Heritage Essential Oils’ products is the sole responsibility of the user.

Information and statements regarding Heritage Essential Oils’ products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health condition or disease.

We do not make any therapeutic claims for any Dietary Supplements in accordance with the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act and FDA regulations.

Heritage Essential Oils and any of its directors, employees, representatives or those involved in blending and bottling the oils will not be liable for damages arising out of or in connection with the use of their products. This is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to all damages of any kind, including (without limitation) compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages, income or profit and claims of third parties.

We disclaim any liability if the user uses or prescribes any remedy or essential oil, natural or otherwise, for him/herself or another. Please consult a licensed healthcare professional should a need be indicated.