Heritage Essential Oils
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LAVENDER is a natural “antihistamine” and can be taken internally. For those who want to avoid over-the-counter medications, this is a good essential oil to try. It can be put into a capsule and taken internally for alleviating allergies, sinus issues and so on. If you find this works for you, we’d love to add your testimony to this page!

1. As a chronic air-borne allergy sufferer, my first defense is to avoid the allergen if possible, especially if I am immune challenged at the time. Stress and loss of adequate sleep are the main culprits in my life for robbing me of my immune defenses.

I find that ROMAN CHAMOMILE is great at alleviating hay fever issues. Just a drop on the back of my hand and inhaled throughout the day helps a lot. I like to diffuse a blend of LEMON, EUCALYPTUS, LAVENDER and ROMAN CHAMOMILE. This blend is also nice mixed with Epsom Salts and put into a steamy hot bath, or simply rubbed on.

Linda blended this up for me and calls it ALLERGY RELIEF.

2. I used to have all kinds of allergies and asthma and was on everything from Seldane, Sudafed and steroid inhalers that caused heart palpitations, dry eyes and mouth. I read someone’s testimony that was almost identical to mine, so now I can say, with the help of essential oils, my allergies are almost non-existent.

I diffused PURIFY into a room with the door closed nightly. I have my diffuser on a timer that cycles for about 5 minutes on and 25 minutes off. This is for the chronic cough. Any molds and allergy causing bacteria in the air cannot live in the presence of this oil blend.

I put 2-3 drops of RESPIRATORY RELIEF in my hands and rub them together. I cup my hands over my nose and inhale 3 times deep. I also put 2 drops on chest and throat. This is a blend of (4) different kinds of eucalyptus and other oils. This is incredible for breaking up mucus: in the head, the lungs and anywhere else it builds up. This is the one that stops me from wheezing and coughing and lets me breathe so much better.

PEPPERMINT is also a good oil to have around. If you ever get stopped up and can't breathe through your nose, you'll love this one. Put 1 drop on your tongue and inhale it. I can usually breathe in 1 second after putting it on your tongue.

LAVENDER is known as nature’s antihistamine, but it is also great for depression. It’s a gentle oil and easy on even sensitive skin. When my nose won't stop dripping, it dries me up right away.

My allergies used to be so bad that I could hardly go outside, let alone drive around with my car windows open. Being outside would send me into sneezing spasms that would leave me exhausted for several hours. All that has disappeared.

Cleansing, oiling, supplementing and eating a good diet over the last 4 years, something worked! I can now say that I am allergy-free, and I live in Texas where there are trees, molds, dust, grasses, hay and so on. I would have never believed it! Be encouraged, allergies can be overcome.

I try to eat as healthy as I can - no sugar, no white flour, no dairy, only organic vegetables, hormone free chicken, little meat, no coffee or pop, no white bread, no processed foods, and also no chemicals in the household products or personal care products. I believe this has all helped.

Recently I’ve begun ingesting EUCALYPTUS RADIATA and RESPIRATORY RELIEF blend before bed, and for the first time in my life I am able to sleep with a cat on my bed and still breathe well; no wheezing or sneezing. THAT’S A MIRACLE!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought I’d never be able to have furry pets.

Since I believe all allergies happen because of poor digestion and a weak immune system, I started by working on those body systems. Products I use for allergies, sinus & asthma:

Sea Green supplement
MSM (a must have)

PURIFY Oil Blend

3. I believe my immune system had been damaged by artificial sweeteners, prescribed medications, pesticides and excess stress. I felt that I had DNA damage, which is usually the case when one develops many sensitivities that it becomes overwhelming. FrequenSea, FRANKINCENSE and ENDURANCE are great products that not only protect your immune system, but I believe they reprogram the brain and can repair the damaged DNA. Keep in mind that heavy metals may the culprit if you have many sensitivities due to immune damage.

4. I suffered greatly from food allergies as well as inhalant irritants. I found that LAVENDER rubbed on my feet at night worked very well for me. I also put MSM in my water and did some detox cleanses. Now I can eat most anything without any problems, even when I eat one of the 50 foods that my allergy blood test said to stay away from.

5.  I'm allergic to pet dander (and I have three of them!) and haven’t taken allergy pills in over 9 months. I drink FrequenSea everyday. If I get any inkling of allergy problems, I inhale RESPIRATORY RELIEF and rub some under my nose and at the opening of the nostrils. Diffusing Respiratory Relief at night helps a lot, but if you don’t have a diffuser, try putting some Respiratory Relief on your pillow. I know someone who takes Respiratory Relief internally (a drop on the tongue) and thinks that’s the best way to use it. I took a look at my bedroom and considered how old the pillows were, what detergent I used (no more chemicals!), how often I washed the sheets and under pads and so on.

6. Recently I had the worst allergy attack I’ve ever had. I had a bottle of PEPPERMINT on my nightstand, so I rubbed 2 drops on the bottom of each foot, 2 drops on the back of my neck and rubbed what was left up under my nose.... which was not so smart side since it was more than a tad bit on the raw side there, but I got over it. To my surprise with in seconds, and I mean seconds, my attack stopped. MY eyes and nose stopped running and my throat stopped itching. I cupped my hand that I put the oil in and held it over my eye that was runny and just held it there with my eye shut for a minutes. This helped my eye feel better. I can't believe how fast this oil worked.

7. I used to have year-round allergies so badly I was  taking prescription Claritin plus Benadryl every 3-4 hours and it couldn't touch it. I started taking MSM regularly and it basically cured me of allergies. Period. Taking LAVENDER in a capsule has rid many of their allergies. If you don't want to take it internally then you must consistently apply Lavender oil twice daily on the temples, behind the ears(mastoids), on the back of neck and on the bottoms of your feet. Using it one day on one day off will not do it.

You must first understand that histamines are the "POOF" energy that comes from the body confronting an undigested protein, so digestive enzymes help as well as proper food combining.

8. A couple of our children have had hay fever / allergies really bad, and BALANCE made a huge difference.  We have noticed that it also helps other types of allergic reactions. I can now wear any kind of jewelry in my ears, but before I used Harmony, my ears would get red, hot, itchy and very painful.

9. There was a study done a few years ago at the U. of Wisconsin. They found that taking 1,000 mg of Vitamin C twice a day - about every 12 hours - completely alleviated allergies. They found that if someone took it once a day it didn't work because vitamin C is water soluble, and it does not stay in the system more than 12 hours.

10. My son used to have to get steroid eye drops because his allergies would cause the irises of his eyes to become inflamed. Since I began giving him LAVENDER in a "00" size capsule whenever his allergies start to bother him, we have not had to give him any allergy
medicine, nor the eye drops any more. This has been for well over a year. I would recommend diffusing Lavender as well.

11. My allergies seem to be airborne, and I discovered that one of my favorite oil blends, MOUNTAIN TOP rubbed on the bottoms of my feet works great! I also put a few drops on my handkerchief and dot it here and there on my face. It’s amazing how quickly it calms down the allergy symptoms which included sneezing spasms.

12. My sister had trouble with allergies and asthma for years. She tried many different types of conventional medicine without getting any results. One day I gave her some PLAGUE DEFENSE to inhale, and it worked right away. Now she carries it with her everywhere and she can't even imagine living without it.

13. I think LAVENDER in a capsule works great, but what I feel cured me of even needing the Lavender is when I began mixing Lavender with FRANKINCENSE. I put 6 drops of Lavender and 2 drops of Frankincense in each capsule and took this at least twice daily. Now I don’t even think about allergy season until one of my friends brings it up, and I bet you can guess what I suggest!

My daughter is using the Respiratory Relief blend for asthma and allergies. She turned 3 years old last month, and last week we went to the asthma/allergy specialist. The blend is working well - she is clear. Her lungs, nose, eyes, throat are all clear. She has not been on her asthma/allergy meds since we started the oils. I just wanted to thank you for everything.  I have told many friends and family members about your website.  I hope we continue to stay healthy.

The choice of the process used in application of Heritage Essential Oils’ products is the sole responsibility of the user.

Information and statements regarding Heritage Essential Oils’ products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health condition or disease.

We do not make any therapeutic claims for any Dietary Supplements in accordance with the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act and FDA regulations.

Heritage Essential Oils and any of its directors, employees, representatives or those involved in blending and bottling the oils will not be liable for damages arising out of or in connection with the use of their products. This is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to all damages of any kind, including (without limitation) compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages, income or profit and claims of third parties.

We disclaim any liability if the user uses or prescribes any remedy or essential oil, natural or otherwise, for him/herself or another. Please consult a licensed healthcare professional should a need be indicated.