Heritage Essential Oils
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One of the first things to consider when battling acne is that you eat a well-balanced diet, avoid fatty food and get plenty of exercise outdoors if possible. Pimples, acne and blackheads can be defeated with time, patience, and general good health.

It is generally believed that acne is caused, at least in part, by bacteria living and growing in your pores, so essential oils are very effective as part of a healthy regimen to combat acne and pimples. Other parts of the equation include plenty of rest, plenty of exercise, plenty of clean water and a good healthy diet rich in raw fruits and vegetables.

Essential oils can work wonderfully in the fight against acne. Used full strength or diluted with a carrier oil, essential oils can be applied topically to relieve mild to moderate acne. There are a few things to consider when choosing an essential oil. 1) consider your skin type, whether your skin is tough or delicate and sensitive, 2) consider the kind of acne you are dealing with, 3) consider whether or not the oil of your choice has to be diluted before use.

Some essential oils should not be used full strength on sensitive skin. As a general rule, the more sensitive your skin, the more diluted your oils should be. When using essential oils on the skin it is important to choose a carrier oil that will not clog pores; Grapeseed,
Emu and Jojoba oils are excellent choices for facial applications.

Heritage Essential Oils considered many testimonies about how people found relief from using essential oils and created a now popular blend we call COMPLEXION. Complexion is a blend of LAVENDER, TEA TREE and BIRCH in a base of organic Jojoba oil. Here’s little explanation on why we felt to use these oils:
Lavender – is known to be very healing to the skin. Lavender is antibacterial and soothing. It effectively prevents breakouts and clears the redness often associated with acne prone skin.
Tea Tree – fights bacteria and fungus. Tea Tree soothes irritation, rashes, burns and controls acne, dandruff, treats warts and other fungal infections. Tea Tree’s fast-acting healing properties make it one of the most popular choices in acne treatment.
Birch – encourages the peeling of the top layer of skin and opens plugged follicles, which helps reestablish the normal skin-cell replacement cycle
Jojoba – is a botanical extract of the seed of the jojoba tree (Simmondsia chinenis) and is actually a wax ester not an oil. This wax ester is the most similar “oil” to our human skin. Some feel that is helps balance oil production. It is not an eye irritant, nor allergenic. It provides all day moisturization, spreads and absorbs well and is free from pesticides, GMO’s and is sustainably farmed.


1. I have a couple of teenagers who struggled with acne. Their doctor wanted to prescribe a medication that requires that their blood levels be monitored – that was like a loud siren in my ears. I wanted to see if essential oils could help them, so I proposed a little experiment. For one week they would apply LAVENDER to only one side of their faces after a thorough washing. Four days later, the Lavender side of their faces was almost totally clear of pimples! Of course at this, they begged me to end the experiment so they could apply it to both sides!! Eventually we decided that TEA TREE and LAVENDER together were a better combination, but they are virtually acne-free when they consistently use this simple blend.

2. I’m middle age and have “suffered” with acne since I was a teenager. After I tossed out my chemically laden shampoo, conditioner, body soap, hand soap, facial cleanser, cosmetics, deodorant and hairspray, my skin cleared up. My suggestion is: get rid of all the chemicals in your life! If you wouldn’t eat it, don’t put it on your skin.

3. My teenage son tried Lavender, but it didn’t seem to do much for him. One day he asked if he could use WOMAN EASE, which is a blend of Clary Sage, Fennel, Lavender, Spikenard, Patchouli, Jasmine Sambac, Marjoram and Yarrow in a Jojoba base. I’d gotten this for myself to help balance my hormones. My son said it seemed to open up his acne pores and they drained all that built up sebum. The anti-bacterial properties healed them overnight.

4. WOMAN EASE and TEA TREE oil helped my granddaughter immensely!

5. We follow Linda’s suggestion and first wash with homemade goat’s milk soap that her friend makes and then apply COMPLEXION essential oil blend. We have gotten rid of all the chemicals that we used to put on our bodies and chemicals that we used to clean with including laundry soap. It has made a world of difference!

6. We found that TEA TREE alone worked, but the smell was hard to take. I decided to try Heritage’s COMPLEXION blend, and everyone in our family finds that very pleasant. It works great!

7. My son was on a prescription face cream, but when it ran out the doctor wouldn’t prescribe more until my son came in for a physical, which he felt too busy to bother with. When his acne started returning in full force, he agreed to try some LAVENDER. In just a couple of days, his face was clear again and he was sold! He occasionally gets teased about his smells, but he just tells his friends that he doesn’t have acne and they do!

8. When I’m pregnant I get sore, red bumps on my face that are reminiscent of pimples, but they never come to a head. I apply TEA TREE oil neat (undiluted) and within a day they are gone.

9. I believe a good colon cleanse will almost invariably clear up all acne (as well as some mood disorders since 90% of serotonin is generated in the digestive system). A good liver cleanse will also help balance hormones and control the digestive process. Of course, diets have a big influence on acne as well. Eliminate foods that might have hormones (meat) and increase essential fatty acids and zinc.

10. If all the above fails for you, take a look at this website:
www.acnease.com/ for a natural remedy for cystic acne.

The choice of the process used in application of Heritage Essential Oils’ products is the sole responsibility of the user.

Information and statements regarding Heritage Essential Oils’ products have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any health condition or disease.

We do not make any therapeutic claims for any Dietary Supplements in accordance with the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act and FDA regulations.

Heritage Essential Oils and any of its directors, employees, representatives or those involved in blending and bottling the oils will not be liable for damages arising out of or in connection with the use of their products. This is a comprehensive limitation of liability that applies to all damages of any kind, including (without limitation) compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages, income or profit and claims of third parties.

We disclaim any liability if the user uses or prescribes any remedy or essential oil, natural or otherwise, for him/herself or another. Please consult a licensed healthcare professional should a need be indicated.